Reporting Luisu for Wall hacking

  • I don't know this player personally he appears to be a new one too, but my suspicions have come to an end he has been using wallhacks since i killed him the first time, he can literally wallbang me from surfaces i didn't even know are wallbangable until he just starts shooting through random doors im in front of or just knows where i respawn after death i have't lost anything against him and sometimes i take him down pretty easily cause it seems to bug for him with the hacks so what i sincerely ask from you is to check he's record cause im not the only who has been complaining about him in the server but im the only who's wrote a full report

    Thank you for the consideration hope you fix it soon :D

  • Who else has been complaining about him? Maybe they could tell us about their point of view..

    Btw you can hear a lot in this gamemode AMD its not impossible to hear the steps of your enemys.. (because of the wallbangable Spots)

    ~ [ℓσνє] Sir_Palo

    Ps: Du wirst nicht schlauer nur weil dein Whiskey Teacher‘s heißt.